CICINHO CASE:Real Madrid only can search in Spanish Liga !

The serious injury of Cicinho has caused that the draft machine of Real Madrid starts up again. The technician, Fabio Capello, affirmed that "we are seeing in the world how many players are available and if they are good. It is difficult to file players now and we are not going to spend money in a player who is not worth for Real Madrid ", he affirmed. What perhaps then Capello did not know is that the club will only be able to file players of Spanish Liga, since the regulation of competitions says that in case of injury it only burdens the substitute will be able to arrive if it does not need "the international transference".
The players of Spanish Liga in which Real Madrid been has interested have been Alves (Sevilla), Ayala (Valencia) and Andrade (Deportivo), although will be difficult to draft them. Then, it would be necessary to wait until the 1 of January, day that opens the winter market.
By :Emilio Contreras from Diario Marca
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