They only lack some flecos, that must be closed today, so that the lateral Brazilian left-handed person Marcelo becomes soccer player of Real Madrid. If there are no injuries, the successor of Robert Carlos will play in the Bernabéu.
Technical secretary Baldini returns tomorrow from Brazil with the Job done , that is to say, with the draftee of Marcelo under the arm. The young left-handed carrilero of Fluminense (18 years), which the Brazilians continue comparing with the best Robert Carlos, will be property of Real today same Madrid, after the flecos are filed that are to close an operation that will cost to the White House about six million and means to him of euros. Thus it confirmed AS Reinaldo Pitta, agent FIFA who has exerted of intermediary between the clubs: "I gave to the proposal from Real Madrid to Tote Menezes (vice-president Him of the Flu) and everything was correct. Although in soccer it can happen of everything, to me seems impossible to me that the crossing is not closed tomorrow (for today). It lacks a last meeting in which all the details will remember ". To last hour of afternoon of yesterday, Pitta waited for an affirmative call of Baldini. The meeting, anticipated this morning, must be used for the company/signature of the contract.
January or July.
After the march of Baptist, Real Madrid maintains frees a seat of extracommunitarian, which would allow him to incorporate to Marcelo nothing else finishes the Brasilerao, championship that is disputing the Fluminense at the moment. That will happen when the December market is opened, although Capello seems contented with the present group. And everything, in spite of the serious injury of Cicinho for weeks, that will maintain almost to the lateral matador outside game lands until the end of this campaign. If unexpected one does not arise any other, Marcelo would disembark in Madrid the next season.
Learning from the International
Real Madrid it has not only taken advantage of this trip to Brazil to file to Marcelo and to see more soccer players, but to also incorporate knowledge on other aspects, like the quarry organization. The one of that better they work is the one of the champion of the Libertadores, International of Porto Alegre, that in the last months it has collected about 20 million euros by crossings like those of the forward Rafael Sobis to the Betis. According to the president of the club gaucho, Fernando Carvalho, "Madrid was interested in the prescription of success of our soccer camp, that is making the things affluent. And it is not the first great club of Europe that consults us ".
From Diario As: as.com
Translation By: realmadrid-news.blogspot.com
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