Raúl press conference: "We're in good form, but we have to go in for the kill as soon as possible"

He always ties up the loose ends when he speaks. During today's press conference, Raúl clarified that the squad's only wish is to win the League, and for that, the three points in Huelva are absolutely vital. The Real Madrid captain said there's no margin for error and that they cannot forget about the first match between the two sides at the Santiago Bernabéu.
How responsible is Fabio Capello for the recovery of team spirit?
He's gets all the credit. I think he tried to instill his values in us. The start of the season wasn't easy for any one, but little by little, especially in the last few months, we've recovered our game, team spirit, and the fighting attitude that has always defined Real Madrid. That's why we're in such a privileged spot. We're leaders and we know we have four finals ahead of us. First up are Recreativo, and the League depends on winning all four matches. We need to maintain this form. We know that winning depends on staying on track, but we also know that our rivals are close behind and can pass us if we don't take the three points on Sunday.
So it's pretty much do or die?
This is an important week for the four top teams because we all have difficult matches and whoever wins will take a huge step forward. This is the most dangerous match we have left in my opinion. They smashed us in the first half of the season. There wasn't any moment that we were ready to fight for the victory, and I think this match will be very complicated. They are also in the hunt for a berth in the UEFA Cup.
Looking at Barça and Sevilla, who would you rather have as a rival?
I think both teams, and Valencia as well, have a chance to win the League. Some dust may clear this weekend depending on how they do. Everything is neck and neck. Sevilla are full of morale after winning the UEFA Cup. Barcelona need a win after their last two results in the King's Cup and the League. But great teams, as we have experienced, have to perform well and play good football when they are in sticky situations. Nothing is certain, but we are lucky that we control our own destiny. We don't have to see what the other teams are doing unless we lose. But we're certain that we'll win and that we'll maintain or increase the distance between us and the second spot.
Can you tell us about you talk with José Ángel Sánchez yesterday ar Jarama?
We just talked. It was a normal conversation and we talked about football, the team, and cars. I have a great relationship with José Ángel.

We depend only on ourselves. Everyone has a right to believe what he or she thinks. I think Atletico need to win in order to make it into the UEFA. They deserve it. They've gone through a rough patch, so hopefully they can do it. I would love another Madrilenian team to be in the UEFA, whether it means defeating Barcelona or any other team.
Does the fact that the Club is sending out so many messages of optimism worry you?
I think that it's good that everyone be made aware at times, but we also have to be prepared, because this is a game after all, and we might find ourselves in some trouble on Sunday at 9 pm. Or maybe we'll be very happy. We know what challenges a League and each match can present. I think the tune we've been hearing for several weeks now has helped us out, so let's keep it up.
Do you think fatigue will take its toll on Sevilla?
Sevilla are just cruising right now, and the UEFA boosted their confidence even more. Three months ago people were saying they would wear out, and the team just moved along from semifinal to final... Hats off to Sevilla, and I'd also like to congratulate them for the title, but Espanyol as well because it was a great final. Sevilla have options in every competition. They've won one, and now they're after three points against Deportivo.
Do you see many similarities between this Barcelona and Carlos Queiroz's Real Madrid?
Let's see what happens in the final weeks. It's obvious they are struggling after their last defeat, after drawing against Betis, and after losing the top spot, but Barcelona are a great Club with great, proud players. I am sure they'll play their hearts out on Sunday at the Calderón. But we don't have to focus on the other teams. We have to look at ourselves and know that it will be a touch match. We'll remain leaders if we win, and that's all we're interested in.
How is the squad taking the commitments the Club has once the League ends?
All we're interested in is winning the competition. I'm sure we'll be happier if we win. We are all looking forward to our holiday, but we have to take care of business first. We have to be available for the Club, so our obligation is to go and to make a good impression.
Are the victories the main cause of the better atmosphere?
Winning always helps improve the atmosphere. We are all more confident, the group is happier, and things get complicated, rumours start swirling, and the word 'crisis' comes up if we're having trouble. Living is a lot easier and everything seems nicer when you win. We're going through a great patch now and the fans are totally committed. The team is a lot better psychologically after all the trouble we went through. Turning matches around like we have make us mentally stronger, and we are cofident in our options. We have to maintain this form. What's left is the real test. We're now leaders, but we have to withstand the push over these next four games.
They compared the image of you walking off the pitch last week with that of Juanito. What does that mean to you and how did you feel then?
I think Juanito is a symbol for all Madridistas and that the two images have nothing to do with each other. Throwing the League away at home against Espanyol after all we had suffered would have really hurt, and I think the team reacted after the break, and that's what made us so happy and gave us an up close look at the League. And look, 24 hours later we were leaders. Fans are having fun at the Santiago Bernabéu. We get a whole new feeling when we get to the stadium now than we did several months ago. We have to do as well as we can because we owe it to our fans and we have a great opportunity that we can't let slip away.

Stability is always best for a Club. Capello is the current coach and has two years left on his contract. Our goal is to fight and win the League, then to go on holiday and return together to continue making history with this Club.
Do you think it will be a tight race until the last week or would you rather win it sooner than later?
I don't want to have to suffer so much, but I think it will come down to the wire because there are so many teams that are so close. But I would bet on a victory if it meant playing the last match at home with everything depending on just us. But there's still a long road ahead.
On a personal level, has this year been the hardest?
We'll see what happens. We've gone through some tough patches. We're in good form, but we have to go in for the kill as soon as possible. There's a lot of optimism, but four matches still have to be playes and none of them will be easy.
Is this year's atmosphere different than prior years?
The atmosphere is great. In passed years we were never really in the title running and it was only months ago that we had very little chances this year. The talk of players coming and going always creates tension. Right now, we're all very happy. We have the common goal of winning the League, and that's all we're thinking about. It really helps ease relationships.
In your last press conference, you hinted that the Club should silence all the rumours about your possible departure, and it did. Are you here to stay?
I don't doubt that I will be continuing with Real Madrid, and I didn't have any doubts before the President or Pedja Mijatovic said otherwise. Honestly, I am very happy. I was able to speak to both of them, and sometimes you just have to hear it in person.
There was a bit of controversy after Beckham's fifth yellow cars was rescinded, and now the referees have taken measures when it comes to making post-match decisions. Yout thoughts?
I think measures had to be taken in order to prevent situtations like this from happening, but that's what the Committee, the League, and the FA are for.
Report by Arancha Díaz
Photos by David R. Anchuelo
Translation by Matthew Goltz
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