Mijatovic to Realmadrid.com: "I'm optimistic: the problem has been detected and we can solve it"

Pedja Mijatovic spoke of the team's situation after the defeat versus Deportivo Coruña. Following the meeting held with the coaching staff and with the President, the Sporting Director of Real Madrid confirmed to Realmadrid.com and RealmadridTV that “the problem has been detected. To all Club members and fans out there, the situation is complicated but there is a way out of it.”
Deep thought always follows a defeat. You met with the coach this morning. What conclusions have you reached?
We are facing a situation that nobody expected at this point in the season after the defeat against Deportivo. There was a meeting between the coaching staff, the sporting directorship and the President this morning. We spoke openly of all the problems we face presently and are certain that there is a solution. We are here to face and solve any contingencies. We have spotted what problems we have and we feel we are capable of overcoming them. We have to do anything to get out of this juncture. We will apply a number of measures and we will see how they work with time.
Will Capello's experience be helpful to find a way out of this juncture.
We trust our coach fully. He has been through very similar circumstances before and he has always seen the team through, getting good results and meeting the objectives set forth. Therefore, we feel confident in this sense. I am convinced there is a way out.
You have spoken with the players and the team's captains and you have asked their opinion?
We have met with the squad several times throughout the season to address any problems. The players are fully aware that this attitude and performance level is unacceptable. They know they need to change radically.

There have been three games over the last five months when the team was way under par. The first one was against Getafe, but the team reacted immediately playing exceptional matches against Steaua Bucharest and Barcelona; the second was against Recreativo Huelva at home, where the team's image and output was appauling; lastly, we never though anything of the sort could happen in this weekend's encounter. So, these three matches should be a lesson in what we need to avoid at all costs. We met this morning, detected the problem and will seek to apply solutions accordingly.
In spite of this bad spell, thet team is alive and kicking in all three competitions.
That is true. We are just five points behind the League's leader. We need to keep the faith and understand that this is just another one of those difficult moments we have been through these last few months. There's a solution: we need to work on all approaches and get this ship off the ground.
The best way out of this is winning on Thursday against Betis in the King's Cup.
Not only on Thursday, but training full-fledge for the meeting against Zaragoza and the upcoming matches. In the summer we already knew that during the season we would face difficult situations: we were going to be managing a team that had won nothing over the last three years and that was mentally depressed. This is why we play good, average and very bad games. But all of this has a solution. As the Club's General Director, I want to tell all members and supporters of the team that we face a complicated set of circumstances but that there is a solution.
The enthusiasm and excitement that Marcelo, Higuaín and Gago bring to the team can prove invaluable now.
We have signed young footballers that are very enthusiastic. So, it's up to them and the rest to find a way out of this situation. We also have to contribute and work to relieve the players from all the problems they face now... that's it.
Interview by Luis Navarro
Photos by David R. Anchuelo
Translation by Luis Orueta
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