Another Defeat, Another Monday, Another Madrid Emergency

Barely a month after the emergency meet that doomed Beckham, Ronaldo and Cassano, comes another one. However, this time, the Bernabeu faithful have made sure that the backdrop is much different.
That was trouble. This is sheer crisis!
That one saw Capello once again being backed in whatever he did, whomsoever he chose to axe. This one sees the proverbial sword of Damocles hanging over his own head.

Nieto and Higuain are all good, but they need some players who have withstood more pressure, because it can get stifling at Madrid a little too often these days. Beckham and Cassano - love the or loathe them - know a thing or two about pressure.
The results of the meeting, we don't quite know yet, but what we do, is that the Calderon and Mijatovic met following the Levante loos to look at the situation, and in particular the position of Capello, taking into consideration that Madrid are now fourth in the League - and dropping - and already out of the Copa del Rey.
The white handkerchiefs - resignation demands - were out in numbers at the Bernabeu yesterday, with placards even calling for Calderon's head.
The word resignation is restricted to the press for the moment, but yesterday's meeting will reconvene this afternoon...
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